6 Months Postop

  • mdo 
  •   June 23, 2022

This seems like such a great milestone to hit! I'm feeling really good overall. I've started to leave the compression garments off altogether now, and feel just fine at work, working out, and sleeping without them. I think it's actually helpful to leave it off specifically while I work out because I can see and keep reminding myself to engage my core properly. 

Saw my surgeon for our 6-month checkup. She is pleased with the slow but steady improvement to the darkness of my scar. She is thinking she still may want to touch up the corners of the longer incision, and now even tighten up some of the looser skin inside my new belly button....but wants to give it another 3 months. In addition, I showed her these 2 little "pockets" of leftover fat that have become more noticeable now around the back of my hips, and she agrees that she can quickly take care of those with a little in-office liposuction. We will plan it all at my next appointment in 3 months. 

Also, she was fine with the silicone scar strips I was using in place of the gel. However, I did notice that I was starting to have minor irritation/skin breakouts underneath the strip, so for now I have taken a break from them and use mostly good ol' regular moisturizer. I use the scar gel when I remember and have time to let it all dry, but only sporadically. 

Side note, I am working my core SUPER hard these days...trying to get that bikini body ready! Super excited for the 2-pieces I will be sporting this summer...I never wore 2-piece bikinis before because I felt like they never flattered my body type. But with my new shape, I am hitting the ground running with several new bikini sets to rock! :-) 

Here are the pics! 

Also, here are some pics where I try to show the little " fat pockets" I am referring to...

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