6 Weeks Postop

  • mdo 
  •   February 12, 2022

Not a whole lot of difference between 4 weeks and 6 weeks postop, in my opinion! Still continuing to slim down...most of the swelling remains in between my belly button and my pubic area. Have I mentioned yet that my flank areas have been pretty sore this entire time as well? That's where the lipo was done so it makes sense...but sometimes still pushing on that area or rubbing it feels pretty tender, like aggravating a bruised area (but there is no visible bruise anymore). 

Exercise has pretty much resumed full-force. I continue to avoid core-focused exercises per my surgeon's instructions...so still got 6 weeks to go before I can do those. But I can do pretty much anything else I was doing before: cycling, running, weights, etc. 

Still numb mostly around the incision area and my belly button, but that is slowly getting sensation back little by little. 

Here are the pics!

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