Postop Days 2 & 3

  • mdo 
  •   January 4, 2022

Not much of a difference between these days...other than a very gradual improvement in my ability to stand up a little straighter. This was the most annoying part of healing to me...not the pain, but the tightness to the point where I was hunched over whenever I would stand and walk. That did a number on my lower back for sure! I found that if I sat down on a chair or on my couch then I would get some relief and be able to straighten and stretch my back out a bit. I continued to take my meds regularly...everything except the narcotic and the nausea meds, which I just didn't need. 

Side for sleeping, I was so grateful to have a Sleep Number bed that I could adjust the head and feet. There was no better position for reclining than to have my head and feet both elevated! 

On postop day 3 I actually did get slightly concerned about whether my upper stomach was collecting some seemed like the swelling and pain in that area was worsening a bit. So I was able to stop by her office (on a Saturday) to be checked out! She tried to drain any fluid but didn't get any out, so it was just postsurgical swelling. I was happy with knowing that there wasn't a fluid pocket to worry about! 

Lastly, now you can start to see the bruising all along my flanks from the times haha. They were quite sore to the touch!

Postop day 2 pics:

Postop day 3 pics:

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