Touch-up lipo & scar revision, 10.5 months postop!

  • mdo 
  •   November 17, 2022

So the day finally arrived....time for my touch-up lipo around my hips, as well as my scar revision! A few days before I was called in some antibiotics and pain medications to take after the procedure, and to answer any questions I may have had (which I really didn't). They offered a medication to help with anxiety/nerves just in case (valium I believe) but I declined it since I was driving myself home after the procedure and I didn't really feel like I needed them. 

The worst part of the procedure was the local numbing medications she needed to inject. I obviously felt the pinch and burn but soon after I felt nothing at all! She let me sit for about 10-15m to let all the numbing "settle in". Then she started with the liposuction around my hips. I could feel the pressure and tugging from the tools she used and it felt a big strange but otherwise it felt fine. She did inject fluid into the areas to make it easier to remove the fat, and she told me I would l likely continue to leak a small amount of fluid from the area over the rest of the day and that the rest would be slowly reabsorbed into my body. I had some small sutures placed afterwards and was bandaged up, easy peasy! She did need to make new incisions for these areas because it was too far from where her original incisions were from the lipo she did on the day of surgery (which was higher up my flanks anyway). 

Then she got started on my scar. We both agreed that the long scar at the bottom of my abdomen was actually looking great, the corners had settled down nicely and I really wasn't concerned about them. She did want to "tuck in" my belly button a bit more though, since the skin was sagging ever so slightly in that area. So it only took her a few minutes to "nip and tuck" and place new sutures, and then I was done! I was able to get dressed and leave the office without any problems. I even felt so great that I decided to run a few errands on my way home! 

However, a few hours later I could "feel" my belly button area starting to bother me a bit so I knew the numbing was starting to wear off and I needed to chill (with a 3year old and 2 dogs running around haha). I took some motrin 800mg, started my antibiotics and went off to bed. 

Here are the pics from that same evening!

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